Join some of the Coast’s top musicians for an afternoon and evening of soul food.
Get the feet tapping and the heart opening with the talent of Dexter Moore, Paul Robert Burton and Dr Goodvibe with a few surprises in store!
Our teacher Craig Ryan will be in the band on the drums and percussion, and Pu-Yu will be on flute and also playing some solo piano during the break.
Music with spirit combines these great local artists with messages of conscience, information stalls, markets, movie screenings and other community inspired activities to assist us to become self-empowered and informed.
Be a part of something GREAT!! All weldome. Proudly supporting OUR LAND OUR WATER OUR FUTURE.
“Be the change you want to see in the world” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Where: Kantara House
When: Sunday 25th March, 2:00pm ~ 8:00pm
For more information, please visit: www.ourlandourwaterourfuture.org
Get the feet tapping and the heart opening with the talent of Dexter Moore, Paul Robert Burton and Dr Goodvibe with a few surprises in store!
Our teacher Craig Ryan will be in the band on the drums and percussion, and Pu-Yu will be on flute and also playing some solo piano during the break.
Music with spirit combines these great local artists with messages of conscience, information stalls, markets, movie screenings and other community inspired activities to assist us to become self-empowered and informed.
Be a part of something GREAT!! All weldome. Proudly supporting OUR LAND OUR WATER OUR FUTURE.
“Be the change you want to see in the world” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Where: Kantara House
When: Sunday 25th March, 2:00pm ~ 8:00pm
For more information, please visit: www.ourlandourwaterourfuture.org